Full Council – 16 September 2024 – Questions Under Standing Order 22


First Questions


Question 1

From Cllr Mark Clark to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


Can the Portfolio Holder advise the Council on the current state of play regarding the Fawley Waterside development, and provide an update we can share with our Residents who have been concerned by recent developments?


Question 2


From Cllr Jack Davies to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


How much section 106 money is currently being held by NFDC?  How much of those funds are time limited and, within the last year, have any monies been handed back to developers as time ran out for it to be spent?  In addition, can the Portfolio Holder advise the Council from which developments the funds are currently being held and how much?


Question 3


From Cllr David Harrison to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate, Cllr Jeremy Heron


What level of debt remains from unpaid Council Tax bills?  How many individuals are at fault or over three months and six months and has this Council any outstanding legal actions against householders for unpaid bills?


Question 4


From Cllr Caroline Rackham to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


I understand that moves are taking place to encourage the Environment Agency to develop a flood and erosion plan for the East of the District.  This is welcome news for those in Totton and Waterside who already experience flooding.  However, having been told previously this would take 8-10 years (more than the timeline the Environment Agency stated previously).  What can you report that this Council is doing in the meantime to show Totton and Waterside residents that it is taking this 40 year issue seriously?


Question 5


From Cllr David Millar to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


With the Government’s proposed planning reforms, does the Portfolio Holder agree that Members and Residents need to feel they are being listened to and not have planning decisions made for them by those without an understanding of our District?  And will he make this point in the Council's response to the proposals?


Question 6


From Cllr Hilary Brand to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


With the need for developers to purchase credits to mitigate phosphates at a ridiculous cost (For example, the Land off, Moortown Lane, Ringwood (Application 21/11723) costed at circa 5 million for 443 houses).  What is the Council doing to find better and more economical solutions that enable developers to spend less and therefore deliver more affordable housing?


Question 7


From Cllr Alex Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing, Cllr Dan Poole


The Hants and IOW PCC recently announced £750k worth of funding for Community Wardens to assist in challenging a spike in ASB over the summer period, shared between local areas within the County and on the IOW.  Can I ask why NFDC were one of the few areas not granted any portion of the allocated funds?  And, did we actually engage with this initiative, and bid for any funding for this worthwhile project?


Second Questions


Question 8


From Cllr Mark Clark to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate, Cllr Jeremy Heron


As councillors will have recently seen in the broadsheet newspapers, some movement is due on the old relative needs formula that was abandoned in 2013 towards Government local funding settlements.  What contingencies therefore is the Council preparing if any, in anticipation of potential Government-led redistribution of funds, especially given the increasing likelihood that wealthier local authorities like ours may face reductions in funding to support more deprived areas elsewhere in the country.  Moreover, what specific measures are being considered to maintain key public services, manage financial pressures and ensure long-term resilience in the face of such reforms?